Raffaella Grassi

Senior Managing Partner, Public Speaker, and Author in London, United Kingdom

Raffaella Grassi

Senior Managing Partner, Public Speaker, and Author in London, United Kingdom

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I spent the majority of my life building ambition: family, career, and self-improvement. With nearly forty years of experience, I have worked in major corporations, which I left years ago. Today, I remain professionally active with various projects and manage Origami Engineering, a company dedicated to business development and innovation.

What truly matters to me now is the present. "Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why they call it the present."

I cherish the present, the only place I can be, here and now. From this moment, I reflect on my accomplishments and set new goals. A few years ago, I entered a new phase of my life, the phase of meaning, and I embrace it wholeheartedly. This period is entirely new. My family is established, my career has seen successes, and my ambition has led to numerous achievements. I realized some time ago that what was beneficial in the morning of my life wasn't as effective in the afternoon. I had to learn to extend my success and its secrets to this meaningful part of my life.

I have practiced achieving success without striving in this later stage of life, where many of us are often unprepared.

This is what I want to share with you. Visit my social profiles and be my guest.

  • Work
    • Origami Engineering