Raging Alcoholic

Artist in Pacific Beach, WA

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I was an alcohol abuser for a few years, then I was an alcoholic for about twenty more years.
Anyway, I stopped drinking approximately 10 years ago. I had a relapse about 3 months later which lasted for about 2 months. I have not drank since Christmas Eve 2009.

Raging Alcoholic is for people who want to quit drinking alcohol but aren't quite sure if they can, or they wonder if sobriety is worth it, or even if they will be the same person if they quit. It is for people who are close to the action part of the stages of change or who have very recently quit drinking. It is also for people who live or work with alcohol abusers or alcoholics and are trying to figure out what to do with them.

This site is for people that are fed up and know they need to do something but are not sure what.

Living with (or loving) an alcoholic is not easy. Drunks have any number of problems, they are emotionally draining. Frequently their finances are in shambles, they may have legal problems, they could be without a job or in danger of losing the one they have. The list goes on and on.

If alcohol is ABUSING YOU, instead of YOU ABUSING IT, Raging Alcoholic may be helpful to you.
Whether it is you personally or a loved one or even a co-worker or boss.

Raging Alcoholic was built because I found a lack of information to my questions online. The information on alcoholism were just articles rehashing commonly known facts or very technical pieces that targeted researchers and other professionals or advertisements for rehab facilities
It covers areas that most alcoholics wander into. There is a section on the recovery process, on drunk driving, a really big list of contact information for free self-help groups, the difference between alcohol abuse and alcoholism, blood alcohol concentration, etc. If a drunk can stumble into it I probably talk about it.

Reading my site will not fix your alcohol problem, but I hope it will send you in the right direction and give you some information on alcohol to help guide your decision making process.

There is nothing for sale on Raging Alcoholic. It is not a squeeze page for any alcohol rehab clinic. It does have some banner advertising on it, but it is not overwhelming.

It is my belief that trauma is at the root of most addictions and many mental illnesses (depression, anxiety, PTSD, that kind of stuff).

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