Randy Kemp

Carol Stream, Illinois USA


Retired former software manuals, case studies, white paper, content, direct response writer, Six Sigma Black belt; System Analyst/ Software Engineer; AI user.


As a former software engineer, I worked for about 30 years in several software environments, like Motorola, Allstate, Discover Card, and United Airlines. I worked in all areas of software engineering – software development, support, programming, project management, training, business analysis, website and database administration, technical writing, and Six Sigma (i.e., Motorola Mobility six-sigma black belt)..


I was an independent contractor and owned my corporation for fourteen years. It gives a solid foundation for B2B marketing for IT consulting. I’m an AWAI trained (i.e., direct response and B2B) copywriter and a HubSpot certified Inbound marketer. But five years working on immediate response B2C gives me insight into what works and a more engaging and personal style.


There are many decision-makers involved in the complex sales buying process. You need to find the different decision-maker categories, along with a profile and demographics on them. They could vary depending on the target industry or product being sold. It involves buying processes, marketing strategies, channels, and such. Being a former corporate owner and independent contractor helps.


I own the LinkedIn groups Working Writers and Copywriters International, which consists of several thousand members. I took many creative writing and literature courses at Aurora University and the College of DuPage. I’ve written technical manuals, training manuals, technology marketing and direct response pieces, creative pieces (i.e., novels, short stories, poetry, literary criticism), and graduate papers. I have attended writer’s conferences and local writers' groups. Good storytelling is essential for a good ad or marketing campaign. I have a graduate degree in psychology from Norwich University (an ideal background for determining buyer motivation).


I use AI as a professor, copilot, and consultant. I believe in using multiple AI engines and comparing/ contrasting the results. Grammarly AI can polish writing. WPS Office AI writer can suggest ideas. Google Gemini, Microsoft Bing, Claude, Meta, and Gab AI answer questions well. I will employ other AI engines as they become available. But you have to do the work yourself.

Blog https://b2btechcopy.com

Email https://rlk-reflections.com

  • Work
    • B2B Tech Copy
  • Education
    • AA-College of Dupage, BA - Aurora University, MA-Norwich University