Raquel DeHoyos
Seattle, WA
There are three things I do well: cook, write and eat.
The Chef’s Apprentice was born of those three principles so that I could rekindle my passion with food and writing and in turn share a new appreciation of foreign cuisine with others interested in my adventures.
This blog features foreign cuisine. Not only how to cook it, but where to find it. From the small unknown restaurants, to the specialty shops and markets that carry all the special ingredients. I also highlight local events that feature foreign culture and their cuisine and, of course, myself partaking in the eating of these foreign delights.
My love affair with food has been going five years strong since the day I traded my desk job for chef’s whites and first stepped foot inside a real restaurant kitchen. But really, my relationship with food was cemented long ago being born into the cumin-scented backdrop that was my mother’s Mexican kitchen. My early experience with food taught me to appreciate how to make the most of what you’ve got and how to play to an ingredient’s strengths and make almost anything taste like a million bucks.
These days, I’ve traded in my chef whites for a Cooking Matters apron as I bring healthy cooking and nutrition classes to low-income families throughout the greater Seattle area. We cook, we eat, we share and learn from one another and it’s quite possibly the best gig I’ve ever known.