Raquel Guardia

Small Business Owner in Arizona

Raquel Guardia

Small Business Owner in Arizona

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Founder & COO of StellaSimone LLC

Multi-Texture Hair Care + Skin Care Systems Created for Everyone.


Founder & COO : Guardia Designs

Commercial & Residential Interior and Landscape Designer, AutoCad Certified, Real Estate Agent and Investor, Residential Contractor.


Also: Author, Blogger and KickAss Woman! ๐Ÿ’‹ #StellaSimone #guardiadesigns

Entrepreneurship has been my approach and hustling has got me through the door.

These days, most of my philosophizing is about what I consider to be the most creative force in the universe: Desire. Iโ€™m curious about our relationship to โ€œwantingโ€, and how we create lives that we love living.

Once we make the decision to take action and pursue our dream, the "Shift" happens, and sets into motion for "everything" to fall into place.

Instead of deterring us from our goal, the "Shift" only serves to clarify our focus to move us forward.

It changes our attitude. Our new attitude also attracts likeminded people. Sometimes even the most unlikely individuals arrive to help us along our way with the information and support we need.

Wherever your dreams are pointing you today, take a step!

Learn to build a business that "serves" you, and create a lifestyle that manifests your dreams to come true!

Believe 2 Receive... You Can Do It! ๐Ÿ’‹

  • Work
    • StellaSimone Salon Systems