Ray Reggie
Digital Consultant and Digital Expert in New Orleans, Louisiana
Ray Reggie
Digital Consultant and Digital Expert in New Orleans, Louisiana
Who is Ray Reggie?
Raymond “Ray” Reggie began his career in the automobile business in 1983 as a salesman and has worked at practically every position in the business. He isrecognized by peers in the auto and media industries as a leader in marketing,branding, e-commerce, and sales training. Lecturing throughout the country onhow to effectively start and operate Business Development Centers (BDC), Raydelivers his signature series of training programs directed at optimizing websitetraffic through branding, marketing, and traditional advertising.
Ray’s extensive advertising experience dates back to 1991 when he started anational based media placement company that grew into a $65 million annualbusiness. Ray relies extensively on the marriage of Quantitative and Qualitativedata when building marketing campaigns. This “Q & Q” methodology is afundamental staple in every media campaign that he designs in the arenas ofdirect response, automotive, and political campaigns. He has also developed andimplemented strategic multimedia campaigns to drive heavy traffic to web sites.Utilizing advanced and proprietary web traffic reports to constantly monitor,tweak and change his campaigns, Ray ensures optimum success and cost-effectiveness.
Ray Reggie was one of the first media buyers in the country to incorporate cable as a utilized medium for political campaigns. Ultra-Target messages are directedto the exact intended audience to maximize effectiveness and generate anoptimal return on investment. In addition to paid media, Ray is routinely retainedto garner and manage earned media and crisis communication for clients rangingfrom independent enterprises to Fortune 500 companies. His public relations andmedia skills and experience have made him an in-demand lecturer at colleges,universities, media outlets, trade groups, as well as many national and stateassociations.
When Ray is not working, he enjoys traveling, spending as much time as he can with his two wonderful children in New Orleans, entertaining friends and cooking.