Adam Powell

Photographer, Writer, and Motivation Speaker in Columbia, South Carolina

Adam Powell

Photographer, Writer, and Motivation Speaker in Columbia, South Carolina

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I’ve been in ministry for roughly seven years now. I’m a native of South Carolina and lived here for most of my life. I grew up in Anderson, SC and heard the call to ministry in my senior year of high school, after leading students as a high school leader. In 2001, I took the call and moved to Columbus, OH, which is where I spent two years of my life attending Valor Christian College. On that point I obtained a degree in Business and Pastoral Leadership. The years succeeding, I finished my BA at Ohio Christian University and am currently in graduate school. I’ve served full-time as a Student Pastor at several churches in Anderson, SC and spent a summer as a Work Projects Staff for a Youth Camp in Greenville, SC. Today, after serving as a Student Pastor for a number of years, I’m looking forward to the next chapter in ministry, from helping students and speaking at Youth events throughout the United States.

I am a husband to a stunningly beautiful bride. I am a Father of two amazing sons, who are springing up like weeds. I enjoy the outdoors, kayaking, photography, a great craft beer, traveling, spending time with my Creator, and people. I also manage and operate a professional photography business. I owe my life and heart to my Savior, Jesus Christ. Without the unwavering grace He has given and poured out on my life, I’d be nothing. My life has been forever indebted to Him. I am forever redeemed by the relentless grace He continually gives.

  • Work
    • Adam Powell Photography
  • Education
    • Ohio Christian University