Rebecca Hinkley

Maine, United States

Rebecca Hinkley

Maine, United States

A school bell rang in the morning followed by a frantic call to 911 and ending in every parents worst nightmare. A school shooting. Children's lives robbed, teachers teaching halted forever. Death. Loss. A changed nation, in shock forever. A society left asking question on what is happening to our younger generation. Parents left asking how they pick up the pieces with their hearts being ripped from their very chest. A nation left wondering where had all the children gone? Where do they go when life is lost? How does one find comfort among madness and tragedy; Make sense of the unimaginable. In moments of great loss one needs to look within themselves to pull strength but sometimes one needs to look inward,outward and upward to make sense of something that makes no sense at all. Find peace, hope, love and closure in a time of unbearable events that cripple your very soul and leave you resting on your knees. To find a smile through breaking and falling tears. To give something to hold onto after your arms are left childless, something to embrace. Inspired by Sandy Hook School shooting tragedy, however the events within are solely fictional and not intended to be modeled after actual people or the actual event.

  • Work
    • Author and Freelance Writer