Sean Scott

San Diego, California

Having witnessed first-hand the many difficulties disaster survivors faced in the aftermath of wildfires, earthquakes, floods, and other disasters, Sean Scott, a fire restoration contractor by trade and CEO of Heritage Publishing & Communications, Ltd. realized an unmet need. It was clear that once first-responders left the scene of a disaster, people often became overwhelmed by the trauma, shock, and stress brought about by losing a home or being displaced. The state of chaos created by disasters coupled with the lack of knowledge of what course of action to take in the aftermath made disaster survivors vulnerable to the many pitfalls that often accompany post-disaster scenarios. Compelled to share his 30+ years worth of disaster recovery and hands-on construction experience, Mr. Scott embarked on a mission to create a straightforward easy-to-read guide to give disaster survivors the tools they need to effectively navigate the recovery process. The Red Guide to Recovery - Resource Handbook for Disaster Survivors embodies this mission by empowering individuals, families, and communities on what steps to take immediately after a disaster as well as offering tips on how to be prepared for recovery in advance.

Always looking for new ways to help our nation become more resilient to disasters, Mr. Scott continues to create state-of-the-art resources and tools to help individuals, families, businesses, and whole communities expedite the recovery process. These resources are available to all at