Donna Van Vlack - RedRyak Photography

Tucson, Arizona

Artists Personal Choice...1stAngel Arts Magazine

Feature & interview on

Interview in 1st Angel Arts Magazine Talk the Talk

Feature on Romanovna Fine Art and Artists Blog

My new book "Arizona Through My Eyes"

I was born in California but have spent most of my life in Tucson, Arizona. I am a self-taught photographer. Now that my children are grown, my husband Scott and I are embracing the things we are most passionate about, such as traveling, hunting and the outdoors. I spend a lot of time volunteering to preserve my hunting heritage and outdoor way of life.

I am an avid hunter, whose inspiration and passion comes from my love for my husband and my love of hunting and the outdoors. I use photography as a means of self expression. I take photographs for myself, which helps me better see the world around me.

Like my life, my photography has been a path of growth and change. I picked up my first camera after I started hunting and that's really when my passion for photography began. I fell in love with the idea of being able to capture exactly what I saw and create a visual memory for my family and friends that would be treasured for a lifetime.

I have a number of current projects going, one of which is for Scott. I am trying to capture a white winged dove on top of a saguaro cactus blossom. Another is a project dealing with Aspen Tree graffiti. My portfolio consists of landscapes, wildlife, trees, signs, old cars, black and white photos, historic old home and barns, sky and waterscapes, cactus, rock formations, digital photo art, high dynamic range photos, flowers, and architectural details.