Jimmy Collins

Columbus, Indiana

I am the Director of Youth Ministries for First Lutheran Church (ELCA), Columbus, Indiana.

I thrive in multi-denominational environments, convinced that we have much to learn from each other. My background is Baptist, but I have a lot of Luther and Wesley in me.

I truly believe that, if we are really followers of Christ, we will take seriously what Jesus said AND did. You'll frequently hear me quote the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 25, the prodigal son parable, 1 John4, and the Acts 2/4 description of early church life.

I fully believe that grace not only excludes no one, but actively seeks to bring all into life-giving relationship with a loving God.

  • Work
    • Director of Youth Ministries, First Lutheran ELCA
  • Education
    • Master of Divinity, The (Old) Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
    • Bachelor of Arts, Athens State College, Athens, AL