rex hurley

California, United States

I basically travel and fix equipment, currently in pre clinical molecular imaging, so far I have been to 27 countries, but the 28th will be coming soon, you never realize how much you miss the US until you have spent 3 weeks away from it, in places that they don't speak english, lucky for me that I learn quickly how to order beer and ask for the bathroom in the local language. In aerospace I launched the first Titan4 rocket at Cape Canaveral and was on the Launch team of the Space Shuttle Atlantis at Kenedy Space Center. In Semi conductor, high power industriy and now Molecular imaging my designs have create new product lines and I currently hold a patent for my latest one, but for the most part I just travel around and fix things.

I grew up building custom cars and still in my spare time I am elbows deep in projects. Some of my families vehicles can be seen on you tube "hurleyracing1". Motorcycles are another passion, 14 is enough for me now and restore and ride them every chance I get.

California is the best place to live if you don't have to travel more than 5 miles from your house, once you hit the freeways let the cussing begin.

traveling as much as I do, on my time home, I become a hermit, people go away for vacation, where as I come home, so I guess in "backward world", I am normal. There is a big world out there, so take it from someone who has seen it, and just stay home, life is good at home, I think I will stay.

  • Work
    • Too Much
  • Education
    • yes