Richard Gurewitsch

Therapist, Psychologist, and Small Business Owner in Caribbean Netherlands

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Richard Gurewitsch is a serial entrepreneur with a passion for helping connect the people of the Carribean islands with the rest of the world. He was recently quoted describing his purpose: "During my entire business career, having been an immigrant myself, my focus always was to help underserved immigrant sectors in both the USA and Europe to develop an affordable platform that enables cost-effective ways to communicate with their friends and families back in their home countries".Specifically, in 2010 Richard Gurewitsch started LLAMACUBA after the United States laws changed and opened telecommunications to Cuba. With a team of highly trained Cisco Engineers, they obtained Federal FCC Licenses to comply with all US rules and regulations. LLAMACUBA developed a VoIP platform with discounted prices on phone calls from the US to Cuba to serve a sector of the market that has been traditionally under-deserved. After 2010 they were very honored to expand services to Cuba from all European and Latin American Countries to help even more families stay connected.