Richard Halpern

White Salmon Washington - near Portland Oregon

Richard Halpern

White Salmon Washington - near Portland Oregon


Long time educator turned Entrepreneur for the better good. EcoApprentice crowdsources sustainable questions to talented college students and professionals for EcoSolutions.

Got an EcoChallenge?

We seek any unique sustainability or ecological problems from you business/non-profit, school. or community that has no easy answer. We'd love to share it with our community think-tank! It's also a unique and fun way to promote your organization.

Please get in touch if you want learn more about posting an EcoChallenge. It's always great to meet innovative and creative thinkers. Membership is free.

When I'm not building EcoApprentice or networking, I'm windsurfing or kiteboarding the waves here in the Columbia River Gorge. On less windy days, I may be hiking to a waterfall or enjoying the culture of Portland Oregon.

Connect: [email protected]

  • Work
    • We are a on-line platform - built to go global
  • Education
    • M.A. University Montana