Richard Pasley

Photographer in Concord, Massachusetts

Richard Pasley

Photographer in Concord, Massachusetts

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Born and raised in New Jersey, educated in New York, then transplanted to the Boston area, I have been a self-employed photographer my entire working life (though also, at times, a dishwasher at a Hungarian restaurant, a AAA road service dispatcher, a handyman, a darkroom tech, a turkey-wrangling kibbutznik, a graphics camera operator, a short-order cook, a web designer, a photo agent, a national trade org president, a father, a non-profit board member, a taekwon-do punch monkey (for my daughter), a church committee chair, an elementary school chess club leader, a soccer-dad, and a happy husband. We all now live happily in...

  • Work
    • Photographer
  • Education
    • Ithaca College