Rick Bennette

South Florida

Rick Bennette

South Florida

Rick Bennette is a native New Englander. He now resides full time in South Florida. Rick's interest in writing began as a middle school creative writng assignment to write a short story. The ten page science fiction won accolades from his teacher and parents.

Rick worked as a corporate instructor for ten years. There he honed his writing abilities creating instruction manuals. He opened his first video production company in Connecticut in 1985. There, his writing continued with dozens of nationally published technical articles. In 2001, Rick augmented his video and writing talents with commercial acting and film production classes in New York City. His business expanded until Rick sold it in 2003 to move to Florida to re-unite with his first love.

“I met Denise on The Love Boat in the seventies,” says Rick. “She was my first love. We reunited in Grand Central Station in 2003 where I had hired a violinist to play our love song as we held each other for the first time in three decades. Today, we are happily married.”

Rick journaled the details of their love story and showed that document to some friends. They suggested it would make a good movie. Rick invested in screenwriting courses and began re-writing their love story as a two hour screenplay. Creating that screenplay led to his writing of over a dozen more screenplays, some which were produced as short films. Others he later turned into books. He also produced several films with friends he met at the Burt Reynolds institute in Florida.

Eventually, Rick began writing romance novels and sci-fi books which he published on Amazon. Thirteen of his novels and short works are available at the link below, or by searching Rick Bennette on Amazon.com. He has a dozen more books in the works.

  • Work
    • Published Author and Novelist
  • Education
    • Weist Barron Academy, NYC
    • Burt Reynolds Institute, Jupiter FL