Rick Godwin

A deeply spiritual man, Rick Godwin devotes his life to the Lord, spreading God’s word to faithful members of the evangelical Christian community. As Senior Pastor of Summit Christian Center in San Antonio, Texas, Rick Godwin ministers to a diverse congregation, sharing an inspiring message of hope and salvation with Summit Christian Center congregants and thousands of others. An innovator in the evangelical community, Rick Godwin leads Summit Christian Church with the understanding that the truth of God’s word may never change shape, but a church must in order to remain relevant. Rick Godwin’s notion of a successful contemporary church centers on the acceptance of all God’s children—most of all, those who have lost their way. A visionary leader, Rick Godwin has written numerous books, all of which focus on different aspects of the evangelical faith. Particularly of note, Live Full Die Empty delves into the personal quest for spiritual fulfillment. A firm believer in the necessity of accepting responsibility for one’s life, Rick Godwin explains that one must not adopt a victim mentality. It is important that one maintain a strong faith in God, which will provide strength during difficult times. This message of hope is a pervasive topic in the many other books that Rick Godwin has written, as well as in the numerous CD series that he has produced. Faithful Christians around the world who do not worship directly at Summit Christian Center have found inspiration through sermons contained in The Power of Purpose, Factors that Shape Your Destiny, and The Supernatural Power of Blessing, among many other titles. Rick Godwin also appears regularly on the Trinity Broadcasting Network, preaching the Lord’s good word under the auspices of Life at the Summit, an inspirational program of his own creation. Rick Godwin’s devotion has taught him that although he cannot control what happens to him, he has the power to confront adversity with the help of God’s love. This lesson is the cornerstone of Rick Godwin’s work at Summit Christian Center, a simple yet powerful message he has dedicated his life to sharing.