Rick Ruperto

Sewickley, Pennsylvania

Rick Ruperto

Sewickley, Pennsylvania

Rick Ruperto PhD is a graduate from Cornerstone University in Clinical Christian Counseling (Magna Cum Laude), in Louisiana. He earned his Master of Arts (Summa Cum Laude) majoring in Clinical Christian Counseling and a minor in Christian Education. He is the founder and former CEO of TC-4 Counseling Services and an Academic Supervisor for Alive at the Center Ministries (a 2012 acquired sister company), the counseling and training arm of TC-4. Alive at the Center Ministries is a 15 year old CAI (Certified Academic Institution, NCCA) purchased by TC-4.

Alive at the Centerhave supervised students from all over the world that are seeking professionalChristian Counseling Credentials (from Certification CTC to Licensed PastoralCounselors LPC, to Masters and Ph.D programs). Rick Ruperto was in residencywith the American College of Addictionology and Compulsive Disorder (ACACD)through Exodus Treatment Center in Miami. Under the tutelage of world-renownedaddiction specialist Jay Holder (MD, DC, PhD, CAP), Rick is board eligible as aDiplomate of the ADACD. Rick is also Board Certified with the NCCA (NationalChristian Counselors Association) in the areas of Substance Abuse and Addition,Child and Adolescent Therapy, Crisis and Abuse Therapy, Integrated and Marriageand Family Therapy, Domestic Violence, Death and Grief Therapy, Sexual Therapy,and Group Therapy. Rick has also completed the requirements of the FloridaSupreme Court family mediation certification course offered by NovaSoutheastern University. Rick is awaiting his state certification for familymediation

  • Education
    • Cornerstone University Lake Charles LA