Randy J. Trick

Attorney in Olympia, Washington

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A reporter turned lawyer, I'm proof that the strong foundation of effective communication skills from journalism directly applies to the law. I've used these as a criminal attorney, currently as a Deputy Prosecuting Attorney in Grays Harbor. Before representing the State I worked as a public defender in Marysville Municipal court, handling a caseload for more than 1,000 cases a year.

Complexity, research, investigation and story telling—all traits both careers have in common. I love the mental challenge of accurately understanding complex subjects and presenting them clearly. Journalism, like good legal writing and trial presentation, is essentially good story telling.

Though working in the field of criminal law, I am keeping an eye on the ways to offer these skills in many areas of litigation to benefit those who need an attorney, but may not be able to afford one. I have an ambitious plan for or my own low-bono law firm and legal education non-profit. Visit about.me/populouslegal to learn more.

I love Western Washington and the natural beauty and resources at our doorstep, and hold a secret fantasy of one day taking on environmental law and conservation projects.