Robby Brown

Excellence in Educational Leadership in Saint Petersburg, Florida

Robby Brown has lived a very full life. He has been a professor, a college dean, a psychotherapist, a marine biologist, and a scuba diving instructor to name a few. He holds bachelors degrees in Biology and education, a master of science degree in Psychology, and doctoral training in Behavioral Medicine. His life’s love and passion is teaching! Robby is the Faculty Development Coordinator for Galen College of Nursing in Tampa Bay and plans to retire in that role.

In his free time Pro. Brown enjoys sailing, cave diving, fly-fishing, reading, writing, research, kayaking, collecting firearms, unix and linux computing, machining and fabrication as well as gunsmithing.

Pro. Brown is also a State of Florida Domestic Violence Assessor and a Florida Supreme Court Mediator

PROFESSIONAL EXPERTISE Forensic evaluations, interviews/interrogations, organizational assessment and quality planning, Industrial and organizational troubleshooting, criminal personality profiling, teaching, sex offender treatment, clinical hypnotherapy, brief therapy, negotiation/mediation, critical incident stress management.


Social Science Interests - Lying and Deception, Facial Action Coding System, The criminal personality, Profiling Narcissistic Personality Disorder in forensic settings, Profile and predictive validity in sex offenders and sexual predators, Apologetics, Game Theory, Propositional Calculus, Cultic origins of Word / Faith Movement.

Marine Science Interests - Benthic ecology, hydrology, limnology, subaquatic speleology, karst biology.