Roberta S. Roberts (aka Roberta S. Fay)

Lawyer in Ohio

Roberta S. Roberts (aka Roberta S. Fay)

Lawyer in Ohio

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Attorney At Law Roberta S. Roberts (aka Roberta S. Fay) is an OSBA Certified Specialist in Family Law, State of Ohio. Roberta was born in Cincinnati, Ohio and graduated from Piqua High School in 1988. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in History from Wright State University in 1997 and Juris Doctorate from the University of Dayton, School of Law in 2000. She is most proud of her extensive work as an advocate for children during her many years as a court appointed Guardian ad Litem. She is a dedicated family law attorney who has practiced in the area of domestic relations, child custody, and high asset divorce lititgation her entire legal career.