Robert Baca

Orange California

Robert Baca, 35 years of age was born and raised in the city of Orange. Growing up in the old town district, where he enjoyed his childhood riding his BMX bike and building things. His love at a yong age was with all things mechanical, from advanced toys to vehicles. This fasination would be expressed by tearing apart anything mechanically all the way down to his fathers 1972 Buick Centuiron V8 motor just to see how it worked at the age of 13.

His life has been an adventure filled one from working with the Disneyland Resort in 1996 where he worked in attractions on the Rivers of Amercia where his skills would secretly allow him to repair neglected things all for the love of Walt Disney. With a forever love for Disneyland which he was fasinated with since 5; too developing his own specialized industrial door interface & automation company. He has always strived to go above and beyond what customers or every day folks expect from him. By offering his god given talents to bring enjoyment , help to the discouraged, knowledge to the unknowing or deliver a higher than expected outcome on projects. From being a mechanic at the Family Fun Centers to repairing elevators to auto-animitronics at Disneyland. Now he focuses on high performance automated industrial pieces of machinery. Always aiming for the impossible by developing new ways of doing things or thinking outside the box.

Currently he is operating a successful small busniess which provides high performance / custom industrial doors with custom interfacing & access control properties for specialized applications for well known corporations.

  • Work
    • Industrial Door Control & Interface Specialist
  • Education
    • ITT Tech
    • Industry Training
    • Continued Educational Courses