Robert Barney
Boise, Idaho, United States
I was born in a birthing center in heartland of Real America, Oklahoma, to parents that were so awesome they had to separate their awesomeness to opposite coasts in America. I have always had a strong commitment to service. I spent two years on a volunteer theological mission in the Baltimore, Maryland area, which was based on the hit show The Wire. I would go on to enlist with the Idaho Air National Guard, helping defend the freedom of Idahoans one photograph at a time. I would then volunteer to defend photographic interests of the U.S. Air Force for six months in an undisclosed location in Southwest Asia that looked very similar to Doha, Qatar and later a six month experience in beautiful Bagram Afghanistan. I attended the Fiesta Bowl Championship (2007, 2010) school Boise State University (Go Broncos) as I received my 6 year undergraduate in Graphic Design. I continue to expand my creativity as I believe it is important to always look for inspiration through a variety of experiences.