Robert Jenner

Lawyer in Baltimore, MD

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Robert K. Jenner brings more than three decades of experience representing injured consumers nationwide against the manufacturers of dangerous prescription drugs, defective medical devices, and tainted blood products.

Rob has assembled a team of attorneys, paralegals, and health care professionals dedicated to prosecuting claims on behalf of injured consumers.

We have represented clients in all types of cases involving personal injury or wrongful death. Dangerous drugs and medical devices are a major part of our practices areas, but we also handle complex personal injury cases with the same detailed investigation skills.

The main practice areas are:

-Car accidents

-Truck accidents

-Motorcycle accidents

-Workplace injuries

-Environmental pollutants and cancer-causing agents

-Dangerous drugs and medical devices

-Class action lawsuits

Address: Baltimore City 3600 Clipper Mill Road, Suite 240, Baltimore, MD 21211



Phone: 888-585-2188


Fax: 410-982-0122

For more information about us and our practice areas, please visit our website.