Robert Marcus Klump
Vienna, Austria
I like to always try new things with my analogue and digital photographic equipment. It's an attempt to keep me from repeating myself.
In 2010 I first tried a technique which I like to call “ORGANIC RANDOM PHOTOGRAPHY” (ORP) where I take “analogue” pictures, then rewind the film and take yet another 36 (or 24) pics right on top of the first ones. The result is a blend of at least two completely unrelated photos. The fun - and risk! - lies in the fact that when taking the “overdub” pictures I do not know whether I am just destroying or as hoped enriching some really good shots.
But ORP only marked the beginning of my experimental journey. In the meantime I have also developed techniques which I call "fotocubism" and "caleidoscopedia". Since February 2015 I am a student of the "LIK academy für photo and design" in Vienna.