Robert Maris Philbeck

Managing Partner and Construction Industry in Acworth,GA

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Beyond the confines of his professional commitments, Robert Maris Philbeck finds solace and joy in his hobbies – golfing and playing the guitar. Introduced to golf at eight by his father, he has mastered the sport and instilled this passion in his sons, perpetuating a cherished family tradition. His engagement with the guitar since age ten showcases his artistic side, emphasizing the discipline and practice required to excel in a musical instrument. These hobbies offer him a creative escape, further refining his skills in other areas of life.

His philanthropic endeavors are another facet of his multifaceted personality. As an active contributor to St. Jude's Hospital, he demonstrates a solid commitment to social responsibility and community development. These acts of generosity resonate with his belief in an influence transcending professional and personal spheres, contributing significantly to societal well-being.

Throughout his life and career, the principles of influence and professionalism have been integral to his myriad achievements. Whether it's his business success, his dedication as a father, his engagement in hobbies, his charitable work, or his relentless pursuit of personal and professional development, these virtues are the cornerstone of all his accomplishments. He epitomizes the essence of an influencer and a consummate professional, embodying leadership qualities, visionary insight, and a steadfast commitment to excellence.

His narrative is more than just a tale of business achievements; it's a story of a man who excels in every aspect of life. From his modest beginnings to his current stature, he exemplifies that skill, perseverance, and a commitment to giving back can significantly impact multiple spheres. He is a living testament to the power of comprehensive success – not just within the confines of a boardroom but extending into the community and his home. His life is a beacon of inspiration, demonstrating how one can simultaneously excel in professional ventures and personal commitments, leaving a lasting imprint on the world.

  • Education
    • Georgia State University