Robert Stenberg

Speaker, Trainer, Coach in Duluth, Minnesota

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Hi! My name is Rob Stenberg and here is my story. My Dad was a butcher and my Mom a secretary. I had a pretty basic middle-class family, although being one of five kids meant that most of the time, we simply didn't have much money. I learned that you get what you want through hard work, dedication and sometimes a little luck, but most times you make your own luck. I started working as a caddy at the local country club when I was 12 years-old, worked my way into the bag room and ended up as caddy master for a number of years. Hanging around the country club taught me lessons that remain with me today. One, keep working hard to get what you want and two, possessing sales and leadership skills will always be critical to success. That is how I arrived where I am today and why I love to help others improve these traits within themselves.

I am a John Maxwell Leadership Speaker, Trainer and Coach. John Maxwell is a NY Times best selling author and the #1 leadership guru in the world according to Inc. Magazine and the American Management Association. As John says, leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less. Adding value to others and helping them realize the leadership potential they possess inside is why I do what I do.

And like a lot of sales professionals, I entered the sales profession by mistake, or necessity. I was working as a disc jockey making minimum wage and it wasn't paying the bills, so when a sales position opened, I took it.

One thing that has bothered me throughout my sales career is the reaction received from people when you tell them you are in sales. They automatically don't trust you, think you're probably a "fast talker" and have the "gift of gab." Thinking you are really interested in helping your clients is probably the furthest thing from their minds. But, that's why I really like being in the sales profession. To help and add value to people.

Teaching people, especially salespeople, how to connect is very satisfying. It used to be said in sales that you couldn't teach people how to connect and now we know, through brain science, this is not true and that is why I am also a Mike Bosworth Leadership Story Seeker Affiliate. His book, "What Great Salespeople Do" is a great book for anyone looking to increase their ability to influence. I work with Mike and others to provide value in their professional and personal lives.

  • Work
    • Stenberg & Associates
  • Education
    • College of St. Scholastica