
Costumier in the United Kingdom

After training as an Archaeologist I made the obvious leap to becoming a Costumier (via Masseur and Teddy Bear Maker) and so find myself here.

Having begun in Amateur Dramatics I have now completed an FdA in Costume Construction and a BA in Entertainment Design Crafts, specialising in Costume, and have worked in a mixture of film and theatre, as well as on commissioned costume pieces.

From behind the scenes on film sets to public sewing demonstrations in museums I have yet to find an area of Costume I don't find fascinating. Pushing the limits of my knowledge and experimenting with new techniques and materials always adds to this fascination.

Should you have any commissions, or questions in general, feel free to e-mail me

  • Education
    • BA(Hons) Entertainment Design Crafts
    • FdA Costume Construction for Stage and Screen
    • Cleveland College of Art and Design