Robin Matteri

Writer, Designer, and Volunteer in Patterson, California

Robin Matteri

Writer, Designer, and Volunteer in Patterson, California

Read my book

Robin is the mother of two boys --- after this, and in no particular order, she specializes in content marketing, visual design, blogging, vintage & antique collecting, volunteering and poker.

Her latest project is putting together a nonprofit organization aimed at revitalizing people called refocus PATTERSON.

She recently self-published her first book, Self-Portrait of Fear and Love: A Book of Poetry About the Things that Make us Love and Fear --- it is available for download at Amazon.

"I can't decide what I want to do so I'm doing it all."

She currently specializes in content writing and visual design for private clients of organizations and companies. She is back at her creative and crazy shenanigans as a blogger who simply tells stories about life, love, parenting, writing, and anything else that crosses that chaotic mind.

"I'm always learning, exploring, and bouncing off the proverbial walls of the Information Super-Highway

She is an advocate for our homeless population with work experience that includes coordinating volunteer, fundraising, and shelter management.

She spent seventeen years working in casinos as a poker dealer and now enjoys buying, selling and collecting vintage and antiques.

  • Education
    • Williams High
    • Kaplan University