robot mop

Software Engineer, Small Business Owner, and Fitness Instructor in Georgia

The top ten robot vacuum cleaners and scrubbers on the market.

A robot vacuum cleaner is designed with one primary purpose in mind: to clean the environment. Robotic vacuum cleaners will continuously travel about your house, covering every inch of your floor and sweeping and cleaning anything from dust and trash to pet hair, crumbs, and other debris. They will also clean your carpets and upholstery.

While most robot vacuums are equipped with brushes and suction to assist them in picking up dirt, some robot vacuums also have a mop as an extra function to assist you in cleaning your home: a mop.

The top ten best robot vacuum cleaners with a mop are listed below.

This test consists of 15 different types of robot vacuum and scrubbers, each of which has been assigned a score between zero and one hundred percent (100). Roborock S6 Pure is the finest robot vacuum and scrubber on the market. Our full robot vacuum test includes 36 models, which implies that 42 percent of the machines tested include a cleaning function.

View the whole vacuum cleaner test results here, and learn more about how our ranking system works here.

What exactly is a robot vacuum cleaner that also has a mop?

There are two kinds of robot vacuum cleaners that can clean your floors: single-use robot vacuum cleaners and hybrid robot vacuum cleaners. The majority of single-use mops are unable to vacuum your floors, however certain types can sweep your floors prior to cleaning. Instead, the hybrid configuration enables the robot to dry sweep the area before mopping and collecting all of the dirt.

A hybrid robot vacuum and mop is one that can mop your hard floors in addition to sweeping and sucking up dust and debris. It is available in many models. The procedure for allowing your robot vacuum to clean your floors is straightforward: just fill the tank with water, hit the start button, then sit back and watch it work its magic.

In addition to water reservoirs or tanks that you may fill with water or any cleaning solution of your choosing, robot vacuums that come with mops have an attachment that allows you to use your robot vacuum as a microfiber mop or cloth. Some robot vacuums also enable you to regulate various degrees of water seepage via an app, which is particularly useful for floors that are sensitive to excessive water build-up and need to be controlled carefully (hardwood, for example).

Some interesting facts regarding robotic vacuum cleaners and floor cleaners