Rob Pingle
Candidate for School Trustee in Salt Spring Island, BC, Canada
Rob moved to Salt Spring Island when his oldest daughter was beginning Kindergarten at Salt Spring Elementary. He spent much time at the school with his youngest, as that was also the first year of the ELF program. He volunteered to run the Toy Library for Salt Spring Community Services and also became Chairperson for the SSE PAC. Within a year, Rob was working as the coordinator of the Saturday Market and had taken a vacant position on the School Board. When he joined the board, he was the only new member and felt fortunate for the guidance and leadership of members who served for over twenty years. It was a great learning experience.
For the past fourteen years, Rob has been a dedicated School Board Trustee while raising his daughters, hosting international students and working in the community. He has helped coordinate the BC School Fruit & Vegetable Nutritional Program in SSE and successfully encouraged other schools in the district to participate. He has actively participated on district committees and was board chair while the district worked through the reconfiguration process.
Rob is hopeful the community will continue to value his perspective, as the longest-serving board member running, and as someone who has continually been involved in the community through his work with the CRD and Islands Trust as well as his volunteering.