Rod Lyman

Rod Lyman

Rod Lyman, LMT, RMT was born and raised in South Dakota and was drawn to Arizona to pursue his education and apprenticeship in the Quantum Healing arts and the Structural Muscular Realignment form of deep tissue body work. When you meet this talented practitioner, you will instantly feel his heartfelt warmth, respect and compassionate approach toward you, his patient. Rod has exhibited an amazing degree of accuracy in his medical intuitive abilities. In addition, Rod has worked as a team along with myself, and other physicians to render a timely and accurate diagnosis, whereby the patient receives the correct treatment and relief from their pain or disease. Rod does not let ego enter into patient care and will not give guidance if he is not sure of the accuracy. Rod has extensive training in: Cranial Sacral work, Reiki, Blue Celestial Healing, Shiatsu, Reflexology, Russian Sports Massage, Facilitated Stretching and natural sports athletic enhancement. Prior athletic background is an asset to Rod’s treatments. I have often witnessed chronic pain patients, walk out of our office pain free on their first visit. Rod will quote the minimum number of treatments necessary in order to achieve results, no more and no less. When patients follow his suggestions, they get the desired results. Rod will always direct the patient to the appropriate channels when other treatments are necessary~~~Dr. Muratore World Wrestling Federation, professional athletes from football to baseball and professional dancers are some of the numerous clients that Rod Lyman has helped. If you are suffering with a condition that has not resolved, or the cause has not yet been found, Rod may be able to help. He is truly an asset to our professional group. He also specializes in pin point therapy which can only take a couple minutes to relieve a variety of ailments including:

* Back pain

* Neck pain

* Headaches including migraines

* Shoulder pain

* Hip pain Excessive wear and tear of the joints

* Nerve compression syndromes including: sciatica, numbness and tingling in the arms and legs

* Joint compression that may precede the formation of osteoarthritis

* Fatigue or loss of energy * Dizziness and vertigo