Ron Herman

Engineering Talent Acquisition and Software Engineering Management in Burlington, Vermont

Ron Herman

Engineering Talent Acquisition and Software Engineering Management in Burlington, Vermont

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I help executives and entrepreneurs realize their technology products, break free from the confines of local talent, and run high performing engineering teams. My work is essentially three roles:

(1) A technology business advisor. I offer a balance of technology, business, and executive experience. I offer this role to a select set of clients.

(2) Engineering talent acquisition. I fix talent acquisition problems, prevalent among technology companies in the U.S. It’s one of the most pressing concerns among software business executives. I deploy remote engineering teams, via an extensive network of trusted software engineering providers. Over 250 remote engineers deployed to date.

(3) Distributed engineering team coach. I guide engineering leads and managers on how to run distributed engineering teams, through on-site workshops, articles, and one-on-one’s. Managing distributed engineers requires a different set of disciplines than managing co-located engineers.

  • Work
    • TeamFound
  • Education
    • University of Vermont