Ron Irvine
Job Coach and Independent Supports Coordinator in Grand Rapids, Michigan
Ron Irvine
Job Coach and Independent Supports Coordinator in Grand Rapids, Michigan
Since 1981 when I graduated from college, I have been working with people that have significant challenges in life; mostly disabilities. My career has had a 34 year focus on working with people that society has neglected to bring them back into community, removing barriers (structural inequality) that society has constructed . . . leveling the playing field, creating equal access to opportunities, assisting people to discover talents and strengths and using them to overcome barriers; coming alongside people so they can reach their full potential. The specific areas of focus are community development, career development, and small business development with social justice and equality the underlying foundation. Through my Master of Management Degree, I've had the opportunity for design, startup, and development of a variety of innovative programs. See "My Collections" below for more info.