ron witherspoon

Photographer and Visual Artist in Atlanta, Georgia

ron witherspoon

Photographer and Visual Artist in Atlanta, Georgia

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I'm a native of San Francisco, California. I have been working as a photographer for over 37 years. My career in photography began with a Kodak Instamatic film camera at the age of 12.

I served as a United States Army Photojournalist and News Editor and traveled North Africa, South America and the United States creating images and writing stories about American service-members for six years. I won several military photojournalism awards for my work while in service.

I have explored and mastered many facets of photography to include photojournalism, commercial, documentary, portrait, event, and fine art photography. My Fathers Project, a photo documentary project about African American fathers, was featured at Atlanta City Hall East and was a feature at the Atlanta Contemporary Art Center. My Masters thesis project, Yielders, has been on display at several Atlanta contemporary art galleries.

As a freelance photographer I've traveled the Caribbean, Canada and South Africa on photography assignments. The most successful project was in South Africa where I spent 90 days creating imagery for the South African female-owned marketing and event management company, By Design Africa.

I work with a fantastic team of marketers, public relations and communications professionals, designers, technicians and creatively crazy people.

Formal education is important and I hold a Bachelor of Arts in Broadcast Communications from San Francisco State University, and a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) from Georgia State University in Atlanta.

I live between Atlanta and San Francisco, and travel throughout the United States creating commercial imagery for corporate, entrepreneurial, government and educational clients, as well as a body of fine art for display and sale in galleries.
I'm becoming a cruiser motorcycle enthusiast and combining my love of photography with that of nature on the open road.

  • Work
  • Education
    • B.A. Degree Communications; M.F.A. Photography & Digital Imaging