Rosalie Muir
Healer & Teacher in Gold Coast, Australia
I am a dedicated Lightworker, a Teacher of Many Modalities including Reiki,Seichem, & Natural Therapies as well as being a Medium who has found her passion with guiding those who are searching for answers especially to be able to empower themselves to do their own healing & seek direction into finding where their passion lies and wishes to follow their dream and potential to reach in this lifetime .
I operate entirely from the heart in all I do and give credit to the Masters & Guides who channel through me for everyone's highest good.
The other passion dear to my heart is writing as Ihave written most of my courses and have am presently writing my second book, hoping to publish this year,
The most important Passion of all is that I am with my Twin Flame, Ashley, and have been for 23 years this year who made all of the above possible with unconditional love & acceptance.
This I recommend to All, it is the only way to live, Love & Accept each other Unconditionally.
My latest project is keeping me busy this year with my Soul Sister Madalyn Kennedy as we are training Isis High Priestesses over 9 months which has been very beautiful and inspiring. Namaste