Rose English UK Author

Living on England’s Green & Pleasant Land’, amongst the gently, rolling hills of the Herefordshire Countryside, Rose’s house is wall to wall books. She even has a ‘leaning tower of paperbacks’.

Rose is a dreamer, preferring a simple & quiet life. Although miles away from family and friends she is never alone, people are after all, only a phone call or email away. Plus she is often tied up, busy visiting new places, and having adventures when lost in a good book.

Working as a school librarian, and sharing her love of books with children, was the best job she ever had. However, life moves on and another chapter was only a page turn away.

Now working in an entirely different library, in Hereford's Wye Valley NHS Trust Hospital, Rose spends her day cleaning and issuing 'Medical Equipment'.

For Rose writing is a hobby, she is more a Read-a-holic. However, after winning FIRST PRIZE in a DigiWriting short story competition with 'The Magic of Grandfather Christmas' featured in 'Seasonal, Sweet & Suspenseful' she is inspired to transform the story into a full length novel. (WIP)

The story however is currently released as a short story under Rose English published by Gillari Books, it now includes 'An Introduction to Grandfather Time Himself'

Watch out for other books in the ‘The Magic of Grandfather Time Series’ coming soon.

Rose is currently working on several projects, the next big one being 'Rainbows & Roses - Poetry & Prose'. Possibly as a birthday celebration in February 2016. For a teaser click the link to the website

Rose English

Happy Reading