Writer in Lewisville, North Carolina


Writer in Lewisville, North Carolina

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Epilepsy doesn't hold me back or keep me down. I stare for 30 seconds and sometimes shake my right hand. This is all because of a high fever when I was a baby. Sometimes I can hide having a seizure by leaving a room before it happens. I get an aura before one.

I had them under control before my insurance made the drug store switch my medicine to a generic brand. Generic medicine is not as good as brand name for epilepsy. It doesn't have the same amount of the working medication in some of the pills. There can be 80% of the medication and 20% placebo.

Since I had them under control, I was allowed to drive. Not knowing about the generic medicine at that time. I had a car wreck and my daughter was in the front seat with me. This caused her to have a fractured ankle and she has had five surgeries on her ankle in five years. My daughter is strong! Whenever anyone asks how she broke her ankle, she never says my mom wrecked the car. She just says, I was in a car wreck.

Now I want everyone to understand epilepsy. It effects 300,000 people in the USA alone. I think that I am the lucky one since now my seizures are only a few a month. Some people, including children, can have up to 300 a day.

Help me spread the word!

  • Work
    • Raising Epilepsy Awareness
  • Education
    • Medical Sonography (Ultrasound)