Russ Ewell
Writer, Startup Founder, and Blogger in California
Russ Ewell
Writer, Startup Founder, and Blogger in California
Founder, Hope Technology Group, CEO, Digital Scribbler; Founder, E-Soccer.
Hope Technology Group is a non-profit focused on using technology to overcome human limits.
In 2001, Hope Technology Group started the Hope Technology School, which is a nationally recognized full-inclusion school. Hewlett-Packard recently featured the Hope Technology School in its Hacking Autism advertising campaign.
As CEO of Digital Scribbler, my focus is on developing assistive technologies for iPhone and Android devices. My Digital Scribbler blog covers ideas, insights and the practical application of technology in the field of education.
Recently, Digital Scribbler released its first app Quick Talk AAC. Quick Talk AAC is an Augmentative Alternative Communication application, designed to help those with autism who are verbally challenged. We have been gratified by the fact that it has moved beyond the autism community, and is now being used by a variety of individuals with verbal challenges.
E-Soccer, is an all-volunteer inclusive soccer program founded in 2000. This program is dedicated to empowering both typical and special needs children of all abilities to reach their full athletic and social potential. I was fortunate enough to receive the Jefferson Award and a Congressional Citation, in recognition of my service.
My primary interests are education and technology, and everything related to advancing the cause of those with intellectual disabilities (specifically Autism and Down Syndrome).
All opinions are my own.
Thanks for reading my profile,
Russ Ewell