Ryan Whitaker

Editor and Writer in Vancouver, WA

Hello, I’m Ryan, with Making Emends*
a copyediting, proofreading, and writing service.
*Emend: n. An edit or modification to text.

I enjoyed technical writing and legal writing for many years. Now I offer all the professional services you deserve from a copyeditor:

  • correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation
  • proper word usage
  • consistency in style and tone
  • smart use of keywords and structure
  • accurate facts and citations
  • clarity and readability

Basically, I suggest ways to help your writing to be accurate and with smooth-flowing content that’s error-free, easy to read, and easy to understand - transforming your writing from Good, to Better, to Best!

I am also a fan of blogging, knitting, and dogs. I’m interested in running barefoot and DIY projects.

You can email me at:


  • Education
    • University of Utah
    • University of Puget Sound