Ryan L. Harsha

Ryan L. Harsha

Ryan L Harsha started writing this record in 2009 with his family and friends. After some up's and down's and in's and out's! Its finally DONE!

Ryan L Harsha(Guitarist/Vocals) re-connected with Aaron Escolopio(ex-Drummer of Good Charlotte), Ryan Escolopio & JD Tenneyson(guitarist/bass/vocals) of Wakefield & Fox in the Henhouse, and Mike Schoolden(bass/guitarist) of New Years Day & Wakefield in the summer of 2009 to make this record...

After 30 months of "off and on" studio work you get 'Sounds of the 20th Century' a album that used analog sound in a digital world...

Every song on this record is VASTLY different but you still know its the boys hailing from DC!