Ryan Josephson
Regina Saskatchewan Canada
My name is Ryan Josephson and I am a proud Canadian from Regina, Sk! I am an educator in the Regina Public School Division where I teach senior math and currently hold the position of Learning Leader. I love teaching and I am passionate about learning. I am also passionate about performing! I have been a part of the improv comedy group, the Saskatoon Soaps, for the past 18 years, and occasionally do some film and theatre work as well. I love to play the guitar and sing too. Check out my youtube channel (linked below) and let me know what you think! Travel is also a passion of mine. My goal is to visit all seven continents, I have three to go! I also have a 4 year daughter who is the most important person in my life. If you would like to know more please follow me on twitter (also linked below), Cheers!