Sherman Morrison

Sherman Morrison

Read my blog

I have been married to a lovely lady for twenty seven years.

This really isn't about me, it's about someone much bigger than me. I would like to introduce Him to all who are willing to join me and become acquainted with Him. His name is Jesus Christ. Knowing Him deeper and better is the chief goal of my life.

My sole interest here is to take you to my blog about him. In 1962 God revealed Himself to me shortly after I finished a jazz album on Argo Records called Breakthrough with jazz trumpeter Gene Shaw. He startled me with a question that brought me face to face with reality of Him. Everything inside of me knew it was Him and I knew I had to give Him an answer. The question was..."What if a man gains the whole world and loses his own soul, what can you exchange for it or, how can you buy it back? That night I asked Him to save me. At that moment the work began; He blessed me with a peace I had never experienced and gave sweet sleep. The next morning I got up only to realize I had no desire for a cigarette anymore after thirteen years of the habit. Two weeks later I met Him again in my aunt's kitchen; He took all my sin, guilt and condemnation away from me and made a new creation through and in His Son Jesus Christ. In His awesome love He did this so He could bring me into a personal relationship with Himself as His son and heir. 2 Cor. 5:17 [Romans 8:16-17]

He completely changed my self-centered life to a life of peace, love and assurance of eternal life through His death, burial and resurrection.

He died my death to give me His life. He gave me a choice to go my own way or give my life to Him to realize His glorious plan for my life here and in eternity. He is my everything. He has completed me in Himself and will do the same for anyone who will receive Him. He wants relationship, not religion. He doesn't force us, He invites us and we are responsible to choose to receive or reject Him.