sailor morgan
Student in Athens, GA
sailor morgan
Student in Athens, GA
As humans, we all see our worlds through individual lenses. Our own perspectives. We see our towns, cities, and countries and we think, "this is my world." We think of the places so far away from us and subconsciously excuse them as part of the world that we experience daily. We are aware of how small our individual worlds are but we never quite comprehend it. We experience this when we fly. We look out of the window and realize how small everything below us actually is. But looking out of an enclosed window at the world below you and letting your feet dangle over the edge of a full-altitude plane are two, totally different things. You can fly over a city and think about how small everything is;
But the fact of it all isn't tangible to you until you are staring it in the face without any barriers.
I have always had a desire to 'go.' It never really mattered where or when. I just wanted to go and experience new things. I suppose I am still this way. My heart craves the experience of new cultures and cities, languages and landmarks. I think this passion became most recognizable for me when I went skydiving for the first time.
As I soared over the earth thousands of feet below me, I finally realized how small everything is. I realized how badly I want to experience these countries that are an ocean away from me and the cultures of the people whose lives have been so different from my own.
I think this is one of my greatest passions. To travel and explore the earth that I believe the Lord has blessed us with. I don't ever want to sit still when there is a whole world surrounding me. And I guess jumping out of a plane is cool too- I think I'll be doing that again.
p.s. I did that again.