Samira Langer-Lorenzani

Pedagogue and Psychologist

I am a pedagogue and have specialized in the fields of trauma pedagogy, trauma-centered professional counseling and psychotraumatology.

My professional career began after the first state examination for the teaching profession at Hauptschule and Realschule, although I ultimately decided against the traineeship. Instead, I studied International Industrial Engineering and completed my Bachelor of Engineering with a grade of 1.7. However, a passion for education brought me back to this field, where I have been working as an educational specialist since 2015.

Training and qualifications:
I have acquired numerous advanced training courses and certificates, including an additional qualification in youth welfare and child and adolescent psychiatry, as well as further training as a trauma educator and trauma specialist according to DeGPT. I have also completed specialist courses in adult psychiatry and basic courses in psychiatry at the Vitos Academy in Giessen. Further training includes courses on child endangerment and dealing with mentally ill parents, as well as PART training for prevention, de-escalation and counseling.

I speak fluent English, good French and Luxembourgish, as well as basic Arabic.

My interests lie in educational psychology, psychiatry and psychotraumatology, as well as forensic psychiatry. In my spare time I enjoy (high) altitude hiking, traveling and I am interested in longevity nutrition and the connection between nutrition and the psyche.