Alexander Slesarenko

Student and Software Engineer in Orenburg, Russia

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Hello, my name is Alexander Slesarenko.

Feel free to view and discuss my software development, design, art, music projects, articles in the links & buttons below, this page is for them.

I'm used to find the best solution or solve problems fundamentally, unable to solve self-contradicting tasks, trying to reject tasks that involve any kind of deception.

Definitely not interested in mainstream politics, marketing, money making for the sake of money and anything that's already automatized.

Accounts without a button on

HackerRank, SoloLearn, CodeAbbey, Codecademy, Artstation

Just for fun:

Smule karaoke, Steam, ID: ElusiveSam#2297,

P.S: The quickiest way to contact me - through Telegram, the Most Official - Email.