Sandie Chavez

Mother, Director, and Designer in Indianapolis, Indiana

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Sandie Chavez is a co-founder and CEO of Creators Camp USA. Through the encouragement of exploration, support of creative expression and giving young people the freedom to pursue an interest in creative and technical fields without the fear of failure or limitations, she aims to equip emerging creators and innovators with the tools they need to add deep value to a volatile, rapidly changing post-industrial economy.

A Visionary Leader, Chavez spear-heads the development of Creators Camp. Chavez develops the strategic partnerships that support the year-round, K-12 STEAM-focused program, and works to refine the experience narrative, ensuring that the program delivers on the promise of being a space where emerging creators and innovators can explore, create and pursue professions in a "fail forward" environment.

Passionate about the development of what she calls the "future skills force", Sandie focuses her energies towards helping parents, and their children understand the importance of critical thinking, creative thinking, communication, collaboration and buildership (over leadership) in the post-industrial economy.

When not working at Creators Camp, or more importantly - spending quality time with friends and family, Sandie leads conversations around the urgency associated with building and affirming the creative confidence in an emerging generation of creators and innovators that will need to be equipped with a fundamentally different set of tools then the generations before them. You can often find Sandie in passionate debates over creativity in schools, the post-industrial economy and the convergence of what kids learn and what they need to know in a volatile, innovation driven society.

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  • Work
    • Creators Camp USA