Lionel Faleiro

Trainer & Security Analyst in Bangalore

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I am a 28 Yr Old Indian Living in Bangalore Whohas spent most of his life living in the Middle East - Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Dubai, Doha Qatar.

Have passed thru 3 Major Spinal surgeries till date since I was 8 Years. A paralytic stroke and lung failure survivor. I consider those surgeries as one of the gifts in my life because they have made him who he is - A Geek imbued with knowledge of Technology, Music, Photography with a down to earth, always ready to help attitude

I love being kind, generous and lovable - Helping around making the world a better place thru Non-Profits and Chairty and being positive about anything that life throws at me.

My aim - bringing knowledge to people no matter their region, wealth or upbringing

  • Work
    • Network Intelligence India
  • Education
    • Mumbai University