Sandy Vance

Colorado-born, with an idyllic childhood in Pasadena, 4 transformative years on the Farm (Stanford), two realized dreams--to play major league baseball with my hometown team and to marry my high school sweetheart, all have given me far more than enough. And all this with a twenty-five-year career (and still counting) creating memorable places as a land planner and landscape architect, the experience of living in our nation's two best regions--New England and the Bay Area, and, most of all, the privilege of witnessing with my life partner the birth, growth, and maturing of the three finest young people I know--Ryan, Erik, and Heidi Vance.

I believe in service--to be an enthusiastic advocate of my profession, my projects, and the organizations I represent. On projects and business relationships I seek value-added win-win solutions that ultimately serve my clients, the end users, the people I work with, and--in my planning--the land itself.

I am currently seeking a new position and company to add value by contributing my skills, experiences, and contacts.