Sanjay Chauhan

Software Engineer in Bengaluru, India

View my portfolio

Skills: Java, Kotlin, XML, Jetpack Compose, Flutter, SQLite, Room Databases, MVC, Jetpack Library, Retrofit, Volley, Dagger 2, MVVM, Live Data, Data Binding, Work Manager, Coroutines software development, Jenkins, Data Structures, SQL, Visual Studio Code, Android Studio, Code Review, And Collaboration, Performance Optimization, Debugging And Troubleshooting.

I'm a passionate and motivated Mobile Application Developer with more than 7 years of experience on Android.

Coding has never felt like a job to me but an outlet to express, build, and grow my skill set. Following are some of the points about me.

⦁ Ability to understand business requirements and translate them into technical requirements.

⦁ Proficient in Java, Kotlin, and Dart languages.

⦁ Experience in Flutter app development.

⦁ Knowledge of Design Principles and Mobile Architecture Designs.

⦁ Strong knowledge of architecture patterns like MVVM / MVP and standard design patterns.

⦁ Deeply mindful of code quality and SOLID principles.

⦁ Experience in Agile / Scrum Project Methodology.

⦁ Sound knowledge of mapping the requirements and troubleshooting for complex software and application problems.

⦁ Experience in CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins and for build deployment automation.

Give me data, I can extract knowledge and insights for you.
Give me a requirement, I can design an application for you.
Give me a programming problem, I can solve it efficiently for you.

  • Education
    • Master of Computer Applications (MCA) at
    • B H Gardi College of Engineering & Technology